
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Present: Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Connie Anderson, John Collins, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Larry TeBrake, Nancy Draves, Jasmine Bohnert, Denise Gardner, Becky Kern, Jo Blaschko, Tom Christensen, Colleen Ryan

Present: Bonnie Wold, Troy Sherwood, Tim Lokensgard, Paul Rodriguez, Michelle Sexe, Zack Sowieja, Tim Headlee, Eric Hesse, Matt Stenger, Mike Homer, Crystal Kreklow


Follow Up Items:

1. Lower Access and Patrol: Eric asked if there was any update on Lower Access. Tim L stated that they is no update at the time but are working towards starting covering the Lower Access booth in January. They just finished the post orders and need to get training done. There will be no patrol as well.

Present: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Bonnie Wold, Zach Soweija, Troy Sherwood, Paul Rodriquez, Molly Kennedy, Tim Lokensgard, Eric Hesse


Follow Up Items: 1. OT/Inverse Numbers: Tim L- 1st watch had 15 inverses for 54.25 hours. 2nd watch had 29 inverses for 94 hours. 3rd watch had 21 inverses for 118 hours.

Present: Bonnie Wold, Troy Sherwood, Tim Lokensgard, Tim Benesch, Michelle Sexe, Jessica Miller, Tim Headlee, Eric Hesse, Matt Stenger, Molly Kennedy, Mike Homer, Crystal Kreklow


Follow Up Items:

1. OT/Inverse Numbers: For the month of August, for 1st Watch there were 38 inverses for 166 hours, for 2nd Watch there were 45 inverses for 112.5 hours, and for 3rd Watch there were 9 inverses for 49.5 hours.

Present: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Jessica Miller, Bonnie Wold, Zach Soweija, Troy Sherwood, Michelle Sexe, Molly Kennedy, Tim Headlee, Jason Anderson, Jessica Langhorst, Tim Lokensgard, Nancy Johnston, Kevin Mosser, Steve Sayovitz


Follow Up Items:

Present: Joann Holton, Adam Castle, Mike Homer, Matt Stenger, Eric Hesse, Jessica Miller, Bonnie Wold, Zach Soweija, Mike Goeghlin, Troy Sherwood, Michelle Sexe, Tim Benesh


Present: Tim Headlee, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Tim Lokensgard, Crystal Kreklow, Tim Lokensgard, Bonnie Wold, Zack Swieja. Michelle Sexe, John Haller, Jessica Miller, Molly Kennedy, Mike Ghoeglin



New Agenda Items:

Present: Tim Headlee, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Tim Lokensgard, Michelle Breamer, Krystal Kreklow, Tim Benesch, Zack Swieja. Eric Hesse, Matt Stenger, Jessica Miller



New Agenda Items:

  1. LPN Weekend Scheduling-Michelle, this pay period she has moved some staff but in the past 2 weeks there have not been any inverses.  Only voluntary overtime. We are full for LPNs.