
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

In attendance: John Knobbe, Kevin Graves, Sam Arneson, Paula Skaalrud (via ITV), Brian Teuber, Janet Quizland (RN), Linda Miller

1. At the safety committee we would like to have AFSCME reps from the appropriate bargaining units at the committee meetings. – This is a meeting that has been happening in conjunction with the staff meeting. It is now being broken down to it’s own meeting. AFSCME has asked that Deb Burger be allowed to attend these with Sam Arneson as the backup. Brian agreed to make sure the minutes are posted for everyone.

Present: Kevin Graves, Chuck Carlson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Molly Kennedy, Scott Grefe, John Knobbe, Sam Arneson, Bonnie Sack, Paula Skaalrud (phone), Deb Berger, Linda Miller

Present: Marlowe Grau, Kevin Graves, Chuck Carlson, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Pat Marcus, Carol Olson, Kristine Wahlberg (ITV)

Present: Bonnie Sack, Linda Miller, Molly Kennedy, Sam Arneson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Paula Skaalrud (ITV)

1. Has Affinity Plus Credit Union Visit been scheduled?
• Sam will schedule and let Bonnie know the date.

2. Do wing fire doors now open when alarm sounds?
• The doors were set wrong but are now fixed. The Fire Marshall was just there and the doors passed inspection.

3. Sidewalks heaving – prevent egress?
• The door was re-adjusted and also passed Fire Marshall inspection.

Present: Molly Kennedy, Kevin Graves, Scott Grefe, Chuck Carlson, Marlowe Grau, Pat Marcus, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Kristine Wahlberg (ITV), John Knobbe
AFSCME Agenda Items
• Did the PT Night LPN position get filled?
o This position was first posted internally with no bidders. It was then posted on the web and they had applicants- unfortunately none of these applicants cared to interview. It is currently posted on the web again and the state recruiter is also working on filling the position.

Present: Scott Grefe, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Deb Berger, Bonnie Sack, Deb Moses, John Knobbe, Linda Miller, Kevin Graves, Molly Graves, Sam Arneson, Chuck Carlson, Paula Skaalrud

1. The Man down system is currently not working. (Safety Issue)
• The man down system is now working- it was tested today and is tested on a daily basis. There is one remote that is not working and will be replaced. Management looked into replacing this system but ran into contractual obligations. If the system is replaced in the future, a system other than Simplex will be looked at.

• Follow up Discussion: How does everyone feel the inversing situation has been going these last 3 months
o Inversing has been much better for both staff and management.
o From 6/23/10-present there has been only 13.75 hours of mandatory inverse hours. Staff has been working together to cover this and management appreciates this.

• Follow up: Has consistency returned to how RN’s are offering OT? (i.e. Last meeting there were concerns that some were offering it based on a sun-sat work week and some from a Wed-Tue. Work week.)

Present: John Knobbe, Kevin Graves, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Mark Lancet, Lisa Costello, Scott Grefe, Diane Andrews, Amber Bement, Kristine Wahlberg (ITV/phone), Marlene Schnichels (ITV/phone)

•In regards to vacant LPN positions not being filled by AFSCME employees. We would like to discuss the minimums you intend to retain so that viable vacation and OT pools exist for those employee’s.