
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Present: Nancy Johnston, Gary Grimm, Bonnie Wold, Melissa Gresczyk, Jaime Fromm, Scott Grefe, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Jeremy Tubbs, Connie Anderson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Matt Stenger


1.Scheduling Staff for Meet and Confers

Present: Tim Lokensgard, Nancy Johnston, Bonnie Wold, Chuck Carlson, Matt Stenger, Molly Kennedy, Scott Grefe, Jeremy Tubbs, John Knobbe, Ann Sullivan(Recorder), Cindy Jungers (ITV)




1. Update on Job Postings on the MMB

Present: Bonnie Wold, Nancy Johnston, Gary Grimm, Chuck Carlson, Jeremy Tubbs, Scott Grefe, Matt Stenger, John Knobbe, Tim Lokensgard, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Melissa Gresczyk, Cindy Jungers


1. Hiring
a. Management has gotten approval for 8 FT positions. It will be opened up for internal bidding first, and then hired. Bidding between MSH and MSOP makes the numbers difficult to know. People from the layoff list are also being called. The temporary positions recently hired in MSH will also be offered these permanent positions.


Agenda item: MSOP Update Presenter: Benson/Hebert
Discussion: General Update

1. Legislative Update:
a. MSOP bonding bill ($47.5M) was signed. Priority considerations will focus on infrastructure. Anticipated we’ll out grow our bed capacity in 2.5 years.
b. Legislative session has seen several bills introduced on new sentencing guidelines for offenders. Nothing agreed to at this time.

Present: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Luke Frederick, Ashley Samora, Kristine Wahlberg, James Hemshrot, Tim Headlee, Ryan Cates, Krystal Kreklow, Jim Piece. Kristin a smith, Kevin Rislov, Dianne Andrews, Hanna marzinki, Derek Jones

1. Introductions

Hardworking Americans’ right to retire with dignity is in danger because billionaires are spending a lot of money to take away our pensions.

John Arnold is one of the worst offenders. He’s a former Enron trader who’s spent $50 million of his own fortune trying to gut retirement security nationally. Enron’s implosion caused billions of dollars of losses to its workers and their families, including a $1.5 billion hit to public pension assets. Yet Arnold escaped with an $8 million bonus right before the crash.

A case the U.S. Supreme Court is taking up this term called Janus v. AFSCME could make the entire public sector “right-to-work” in one fell swoop.

Janus is the culmination of decades of attacks on working people by corporations, the wealthy and the politicians who do their bidding to rig the economy in their favor. The forces behind this case are the same ones that have pushed to limit voting rights, undermine civil rights and attack immigrants.

Thanks to help from AFSCME members, numerous worker-friendly candidates won Tuesday’s election outright or are leading in the polls.

AFSCME members and retirees volunteered hundreds of hours of their time to tirelessly call voters and knock on doors across the state in the weeks leading up to the municipal and school board elections.