
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Eric Hesse, James Hemshrot, Sarah Moeller, Stacey Mueller, Mike Hohenstein, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz, Tom Kluntz, Jamie Sheppard, Marvin Sullivan, Luke Frederick, Ryan Cates, Molly Kennedy, Erin Wiederich, Brett Christensen, Connie Anderson, Shane Bohnert, Julie Warner, Nate Vetter, Adam Ellis, Tim Headlee, Kristy Christianson, Josh Mann, Alex Palmer, Shawn Lockner

10:30 – 11:30 PM: State Representative Clark Johnson spoke to the General Membership Meeting followed up with a chance for members to bring up issues/ask questions.

Eric Hesse, James Hemshrot, Mike Homer, Sarah Moeller, Julie Moeller, Mike Hohenstein, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz, Clay Haglund, Kendra Benson, Allison Hughes, Stephanie Attenburger, Marvin Sullivan, Luke Frederick, Ryan Cates, Molly Kennedy

1.Secretary’s Report: Additions or corrections for April 2014 meeting minutes? Motion to accept subject to review by Amanda Mathiowetz, second by Molly Kennedy then carried

Amanda Mathiowetz, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Scott Grefe, Randilee Dauk, Shannon Pech, Mike Homer, Marvin Sullivan, Lori Stueber, Josh Mann, Mary Scovill, Luke Frederick, Mike Sutherland, Tom Kluntz, Kristy Christianson, James Hemshrot, Shawn Kennedy, Eric Hesse, Sarah Moeller, Ryan Cates, Laurie Halverson, Cory Moon, Deb Burger, Marlowe Grau, Julie Filand, Connie Anderson, Kelly Woelpern, Joel Frey, Mike Hohenstein, John Knobbe, Jill Gorman, Chuck Hottinger

Lori Stueber, Ryan Cates, James Hemshrot, Amanda Mathiowetz, Kendra Benson, Lindsay Becker, Eric Hesse, Jamie Sheppard, Luke Frederick, Molly Kennedy, Tim Headlee, Richard Delestre, Mary Scovill, Steve Schreiner, Elena Shevtsov, Jessy Doerr, Thom Wilkins, Adam Castle

1.Secretaries Report: February 2014 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by

Luke Frederick, Mike Hohenstein, Matt Stenger, Shannon Pech, Tim Headlee, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz

1.Secretaries Report: Jan 2014 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by

2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING Jan 2014 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 55885.83 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 22051.05 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 313.98 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 77622.90 SUBMITTED BY: _______CONNIE ANDERSON_____ Accepted subject to audit motion by.

Connie Anderson, Shannon Pech, Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle, Amanda Mathiowetz, Brett Christensen, Matt Stenger, James Hemshrot, Mike Homer, Mary Skovall, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Gary Tollefson, Eric Hesse, Shawn Kennedy, Ryan Cates, Ann Sullivan

Call to order at 3:09 PM Officer Introduction

Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Connie Anderson, Molly Kennedy, Amanda Mathiowetz, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, James Hemshrot, Kelly Woelpern, Joel Frey, Mike Homer, Ryan Cates, Shannon Pech, Eric Hesse, Lindsey Becker, Lisa Spurr, Jill Gorman, Jonas Thompson, Sam Arneson, Scott Grefe, Luke Frederick, Shawn Kennedy, Tom Kluntz

Greet Membership Officer Introduction

Present: Molly Kennedy, James Hemshrot, John Knobbe, Eric Hesse, Chuck Carlson, Deb Burger, Erin Wiederich, Shannon Pech, Luke Frederick, Jamie Sheppard

1.Secretaries Report: October 2013 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by