
Present: Andrew Jones, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Chuck Carlson, Connie Anderson, Adam Castle, Jeremy Tubbs, Mary Scovill, James Hemshrot, and Eric Hesse

I. Call to order 3:08pm II.

Introduction of Officers III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting – Motion by Castle and seconded by Tubbs

2. Correspondence a) Council 5 Negotiations Committee Meeting – July 26 b) Council 5 Budget Pamphlet c) Woman’s Retreat September 20-22 in Denver d) C5 Per Capital Report


Adam Castle, Molly Kennedy, Matt Stenger, Maude, Joel Frey, Kelly Woelpern, Marvin Sullivan, Stacy Mueller, Ryan Cates, Luke Frederick, Mike Homer, Eric Hesse, Antonino Guerrero

1. Secretary’s Report: Elections are being held at the end of January

2. Treasurer-Antonino Guerrero:

Attendance: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Crystal Kreklow, Ryan Cates, Marvin Sullivan, Mike Homer, Kurt Crosby, chalen, Ahli Kuhlman, Scott Melby, Carol Olsen, Melissa Gryschek, Colleen Ryan

Melissa Discussion summary: talk about how to have positive interactions and communication outside of meetings also. Came out with good ideas and are committed. Krystal-matt and I involved in brainstorming ideas to make st peter a better place for us and management. Implementing ways to discuss ideas. Goal is to have as a reset and move forward.

1. Secretaries Report: May 2013 meeting minutes- Additions or Corrections? Motion to accept subject to review by: Minutes not posted

2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING May 2013 CASH BALANCE BEGINNING OF MONTH: $ 52520.15 INCOME FOR THE MONTH: $ 5478.96 EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH: $ 8785.02 CASH BALANCE ENDING OF MONTH: $ 49214.09 SUBMITTED BY: _______CONNIE ANDERSON_____ Accepted subject to audit motion by: John Knobbe and seconded by Ann Sullivan

3, Correspondence Review a). There was no Council 5 Presidents meeting for May

Present: Andrew Jones, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Eric Hesse, Nate Herme, Sam Arneson, Stephanie Miller, Mike Homer, Nate Vetter, Jeff Boehne, Ann Sullivan, Kelly Woelpern, Ryan Cates, Kirsty Deslauriers, Brett Christensen, Matt Stenger, Mike Hohenstein, Alan Aspelund, Erin Weiderich, Abu Kamara, and Denise Sandwick

I. Call to order 3:00pm

II. Introduction of Officers

III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting Motion to accept and subject to review by: John Knobbe and seconded by Nate Herme then carried.

Present: Andrew Jones, Scott Grefe, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Shannon Pech, Eric Hesse, Nate Herme, Tom Card, Sam Arneson, Adam Castle, and Paul Schwichtenberg

I. Call to order 4:30pm

II. Introduction of Officers III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting

IV. Correspondence a) b)

V. Local 404 New Business a) b)

VI. Officer reports

Present: Molly Kennedy, Adam Castle, Ann Sullivan, Randy Erickson, Matt Stenger, Jeremy Tubbs, Scott Grefe, Connie Anderson, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Eric Hesse, and Kevin Brady

I. Call to order @4:30pm

II. Introduction of Officers

III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting – Knobbe and seconded then carried.

IV. Correspondence a) Day on the Hill is Tuesday, February 26th b) c) V. Local 404 New Business a)

VI. Officer reports

Present: Andrew Jones, Ann Sullivan, Jeremy Tubbs, John Knobbe, Connie Anderson, Molly Kennedy, Kelly Woelpern, Matt Stenger, Randy Erickson, Chuck Carlson, Eric Hesse, Ryan Cates, Shawn Kennedy, Mike Homer, Adam Castle, Nicolas Haller, Sam Arneson, and Brian Wells  

I. Call to order @4:37pm

II. Introduction of Officers

III. Secretary Jones - Approval of minutes from last meeting

IV. Correspondence a)