
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Present: Molly Kennedy, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Kevin Graves, Chuck Carlson, John Knobbe, Sam Arneson, Scott Grefe, Karen Jones(via telephone), Paula Skaalrud (via ITV), Deb Moses

1.Affinity Plus Credit Union Visit: Still not scheduled? Need contact person assigned to do this.

•Sam Arneson will contact Carol at CBHH and coordinate this visit

2.Staffing issue: Night staff LOAs-

•There will be 3 positions posted: 1 temporary .8, 1 permanent .8, and 1 permanent .75. Management intends to interview and hire as quickly as possible.

Present: Molly Kennedy, Scott Grefe, Marlowe Grau, Chuck Carlson, Barb Venero, Kevin Graves, W. John Knobbe, Pat Marcus, Kristine Walberg (ITV), Sam Arneson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder)

• Staff has concerns with the elimination of HST and LPN positions that the few leftover AFSCME staff will be subject to an inordinate amount of inversing as the lower paid staff even when it is RN’s causing the inversing. (for example, getting inversed in excess of 24/48 hours).
? At our last meeting we discussed the following overtime issues:

Present: Chuck Carlson, Scott Grefe, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Bonnie Sack, Sam Arneson, Kevin Graves, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Linda Miller

1. Staff Morale: Separate standards for how clients treat professionals/Nursing staff in regards to language and physical aggression.

Present: Antonino Guerrero, Matt Stenger, Carol Olson, Cindy Jungers, James Hemshrot, Marvin Sullivan, Kurt Crosby, Colleen Ryan, Alli Kuhlman, Stacy Mueller, Melissa Grau, Gus Grau, Mike Homer, Joann Holden, Elizabeth Tranum, Colleen Ryan, Michelle Schweim

Present: James Hemshrot, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Kurt Crosby, Tim Headlee,  Alli Kuhlman, Carol Olsen, Lisa Duchene, Michelle Chalin, Carol Olsen, Scott Melby, Krystal Kreklow, Zach Sowieja, Colleen Ryan, Ryan Cates, Mike Homer

Reflection/Celebration: Carol-Thanks Tim for the help with the job fair.

Standing Agenda Items:

1. OSHA Information: Passed out information in handouts Overtime Information

Present: James Hemshrot, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Kurt Crosby, Tim Headlee, Luke Frederick, Alli Kuhlman, Carol Olsen, Lisa Duchene, Michelle Chalin, Scott Melby, Krystal Kreklow, Zach Sowieja, Colleen Ryan, Ryan Cates

Present: James Hemshrot, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Alli Kuhlman, Carol Olsen, Lisa Duchene, Michelle Chalin, Carol Olsen, Scott Melby, Krystal Kreklow, Zach Sowieja, Colleen Ryan

Present: James Hemshrot, Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Ahli Kuhlman, Carol Olsen, Lisa Duchene, Michelle Chalin, Carol Olsen, Scott Melby, Ryan Cates, Mike Homer, Krystal Kreklow, Zach Sowieja, Colleen Ryan

 Reflection/Celebration: Melby- We had a difficult situation on Tamarak. Patient with containers with feces and urine. Able to have him exit without incident. James: moved into cedar and everything went well.  Carol-this is the last of the moves for phase 1.

Standing Agenda Items-

1. OSHA Logs: Presented by Ali and will share at membership meeting.