4/19/18 Local 404 General Membership Minutes

General Membership Meeting-AFSCME 404

April 19th, 2018

3PM Redmen Club


Adam Castle, Jamie Sheppard, Emilio Florez, Crystal Kreklow, Antonino Guerrero, Matt Stenger, Steve Wilking, Kurt Crosby, Ryan Cates, Marvin Sullivan, Mike Homer, Stacey Mueller, Amanda Hollom, Kristy Christianson, Larae Ackerman, Adam Ellis, Brian Bayer, Kathleen Luskey, Molly Kennedy, James Hemshrot

1. Secretary’s Report: Motion to accept March’s meeting minutes by Adam Castle, 2nd by Emilio Florez, Motion passes.

2. Treasurer-Antonino Guerrero:






SAVINGS: $ 54805.32

SUBMITTED BY: Antonino Guerrero

Motion to approve Treasurer Report subject to audit by Adam Castle, 2nd by Kurt Crosby. Motion Passes.

3. Correspondence:  Links to MSH and MSOP Meet and Confer Minutes






Items from membership: Nothing

4. New Business: Vacant Eboard position by Luke Frederick accepting management position. Votes were cast at the Eboard meeting. Emilio Florez won the vote. Open Eboard position remains for Emilio’s position and will be voted on next month. If you are interested, email Ryan Cates or Eric Hesse. Explanation of officers’ duties can be found here:


5. Old Business:  International Convention in July. Hesse put a call out last month. 11 people interested. Ryan Cates, Matt Stenger, Eric Hesse, Kurt Crosby, James Hemshrot, Jake Dougherty, Alex Palmer, Jesse marble, Paige Rowley, Mason Meier, Brian Woller, can vote up to 5 delegates. Voting held at this membership meeting. Delegates voted to go as follows; Matt Stenger, James Hemshrot, Kurt Crosby, Ryan Cates, Eric Hesse

6. Items from the membership: Stacey Mueller presented scheduling patterns to the union body which she will be presenting to management at MSH.

7. Good and Welfare: Nothing

8. Officer Reports

Presidents Report-Ryan Cates: Met with Carol Olson, Scott Melby, Tudy Fowler for interest based problem solving. Management agreed to create a process for MSH Unit coverage that would take it out of the hands of the SOD. The least senior staff that has not yet covered that pay period will now be the staff assigned to cover.


Met with Carol Olson and Bonnie Wold about overtime shifts campus wide. They stated that staff will not be able to work more than two shifts in a row. Safety and security was their reason for instituting this.


Talked with administration and HR about the process of granting overtime to staff who are already working overtime. Different SOD’s follow different rules in these situations and it has resulted in grievances and frustration. HR eventually agreed that staff who are released from OT early should still be eligible for overtime the following shift, as long as they are on-duty when the SOD offers the overtime.


Attended the MSOP Meet and Confer-


Attended the Forensic Meet and Confer-

Brought up the new language in the recently ratified contract and discussed the changes that were made.

Asked why direct care staff were given new radios without screens but all supervisors and support staff get radios with screens. Management said it was a money issue. We then asked for the difference in price and the number of radios without screens that were bought. Management did not know but agreed to get us the information. We still have not received this information.

Asked about the Aspen-Birch-Cedar remodel design. Management stated there will be unit stations, just like the other units.

Asked why unit minimums are not being maintained. Scott claimed that the only time they do not fill spots is when a staff calls in sick past the starting time for their shift.


VP: Matt Stenger- This month I have sat in on 2 investigations, 2 loudermill hearings and sat in on a couple of non cert step 3 grievances. We have also had weekly check in meetings with HR and MSH Administration. During those meetings we have address the scheduling program assigning people to work different work areas when overstaffed. We felt it should be done in the order of seniority and let the units decided who will be covering. We met last week with administration and they will be informing the OD pool of this new change and should be implanted some time next month. We have also set up a LPN meeting with HR and Administration about LPN overtime being given to RN's prior to being offed to LPN's that have shown interest in the overtime. The LPN meeting will be taking place the beginning of May. We have also address people on overtime not eligible for overtime because they ended their overtime before the start of the new shift. Management said it made them ineligible for the subsequent shift overtime. We made the case that overtime is the assignment and not an established shift because shifts are 8 or 10 hours. A couple of other issues were raised because with the way management is doing overtime, cascading shifts wouldn't be eligible of subsequent shift either. We will be address this further during next weeks weekly check in meeting. 


In solidarity,

Matt Stenger 


VP: Eric Hesse- It’s been a busy month this month with lots of investigations and disciplines. Please be mindful of your accruals, especially sick leave. If you don’t have enough sick time to cover your call-in and have to use ETL (leave without pay), you will be investigated for it.


Legislative update: As many of you know, our contracts were passed by the legislature and is now in effect. Our back pay for the 2% cost of living adjustment that was supposed to start on July 1st, 2017 will be paid out on the May 11th paycheck. The bill to fund fully fund our pensions in 30 years passed unanimously through the Senate, but is still waiting to be heard by the House. During our lobby week, we pushed hard to get the fourth degree assault bill changed so spitting will now be a chargeable offense. This was approved to be an amendment to and is now included in the House Omnibus Public Safety bill.


As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.

Executive Board: Vacant-

Executive Board: Chief Steward Emilio Florez- I have been working with GMW's on some issues they were having.  One was breach in confidentiality on schedules.  It was brought to our attention that our scheduling department did not do GMW's schedules it was their supervisor who did.  This was brought up at meet and confer as to why they are not under scheduling department.  We were assured by management that this was going to change with a deadline date of June 30th, 2018.  As of now, this issue seems to be getting resolved.

I also brought up the position GMW’s in MSH are being placed in with the new construction.  This has created an unsafe and unmanageable work environment.  We asked for a primary location with phone and computer.  I also asked for a slop sink and chemical fill station in the new secure building that is off the unit.  We were told to work with Physical Plant supervisors on this.  We are in the process of scheduling a meeting to see if this can be resolved quickly as this is an urgent matter.  We are hoping we can work with management on this as we have proposed viable solutions to these problems.


Executive Board: Chief Steward Steve Wilking- Hello Everyone!  The last month has been a busy one.  I have filed (5) Grievances regarding overtime distribution and coordinated many investigations.  We elected to send (1) grievance to arbitration and awaiting Counsel 5’s directives.  I have attended meetings with discussions about Atlas, Unit based covering vs individual assigned covering.  I have taken the lead on concerns with the HIMS department.  Newly Elected Chief Steward Emilio Florez and I met with the GMW department in regards to their concerns.  Mr. Florez can provide you with the details on their concerns.  I attended an Interest based problem solving meeting, meet and confer, e-board and general membership meetings and prepped for grievances.  I have also met with our Counsel 5 field representative.  I have received many phone calls regarding union concerns and inquires.  

    At this time select HIMS staff are being forced to work overtime on Saturdays.  They are also dealing with confidential issues that are ongoing with the help of my leadership.  

     In the interest based problem solving meeting the discussion was about unit based coverage vs assigned individual coverage.  A compromised has been reached that when a unit covers that it will be done by seniority.  However, the CONCEPT of inversing will be applied.  For Example….. If your unit covers on a Monday and John Doe is the least senior…. Then he covers.  If on a Tuesday your same unit covers and John is working….. Then next least senior will be assigned to cover.  This will reset each pay period.  Hope that explanation makes sense.  If it doesn’t please contact myself or other union leadership for clarification.  There will be more to come on this so please watch the sharepoint site.   

     Just an informational note, if you are having issues with Atlas please let union leadership know of your concerns.  We continue to meet with them about overtime, coverage, A-team assignments and other things.

     For those of you who are aware of the case in Janus vs. AFSCME.  You are encouraged to sign your membership of maintenance cards (MOM).  If you haven’t signed one please reach out to any Chief Union Steward.

     Lastly, I am looking for anyone who would be willing to assist in research and possibly compile data and or statistics for me.  If you are interested please let me know.

As always…. Your Humble Chief Union Steward

Steve Wilking

Executive Board: Chief Steward Mike Homer- This past month I have sat a few different investigations. Some of those investigations resulted in discipline and grievances were filed. I also filed some grievances for overtime issues which resulted in the grievant being paid for lost overtime. No other issues to report at this time.

Executive Board: Chief Steward Marvin Sullivan-I have been sitting investigations again in regards to ETL usage.  Please be on time for work.  Continuing to answer many questions in regards to the new contract.  Continuing to work on issues the LPN’s are having with OT.  Presented a step 3 grievance to management and filed some OT/ improper inverse grievances this past month. 


In Solidarity,



Executive Board: Jamie Sheppard- I attended MSOP Meet and Confer, the E-Board meeting, and the General Membership meeting. I got some people to sign MOM cards and I continue to track grievances.  Please keep them coming and don’t forget to update me with the outcome for each step. Also, as a reminder please make sure you are notifying VP and Steward Coordinator Hesse when an investigation is being conducted. We should know exactly how many investigations are being sat monthly and there are many that are not being reported to him.  I am also looking forward to attending SEPC at the end of the month.


In solidarity,

Jamie Sheppard, E-Board


CS Facility Support: Stacey Mueller-Presentation of schedule proposal

                     Current                        Zone 1 Unit              Zone Utility Pool               WKND                    NOCs                             NOCs

                Day/Eve Staff                D&E Four/10’s               D/E/WKND                      3/12                  M-Th 4/10’s                   M-Th UP

                                                                                                           5/8’s and 4/10’s                                                                                               

Aspen                     22                         6                                         5                                   4                                 4

Birch                       18                         6                                         5                                    4                                 4                               2

Cedar                      11                         5                                         5                                    4                                 3

Elm                           7                          4                                         2                                     4                                 2

Fraser                     16                         5                                         3                                     4                                 2                                2


Redwood                14                         5                                         3                                     4                                  2

Spruce                     14                         5                                         3                                     4                                  3                               2

Tamarack                20                         6                                         7                                   4                                    4

Willow                       4                          3                                        2                                    4                                   3

B1S                           15                          5                                        2                                   4                                    2

B1SS                           6                          2                                        1                                    4                                    2                                 2

B2S                           13                          3                                        1                                    4                                    2

B2N                          15                          4                                         2                                    4                                    2                                        Projected Totals

                                175                        59                                     41                                 52                                 35                                 8                        195-200FTE

NOC                          64

UP                             19

 Current total        258 FTE


Chief Steward MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Kurt Crosby  

Sat Several investigations, waiting on outcomes

Communication continuing trying to get better, safer, and more realistic 1-1 and seclusion orders written

Working on labor management committee trying to clarify policy that we have

Asking for clarification on practices of OT granting, assignment, vacation and atlas program issues

Optional scheduling patterns are also being discussed and are in the brainstorming environment through the scheduling subcommittee.

Talk to our SOD and GS supervisors. They are here to help us and will have alternatives to address situations.


Adjourned at 430PM