4/16/15 Local 404 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Tim Headlee, Stacey Mueller, Amanda Mathiowetz, Molly Kennedy, Marvin Sullivan, Ryan Cates, Shannon Pech, Luke Frederick, Chuck Hottinger, Mary Scovill, James Hemshrot, Mike Homer, Kelly Woelpern, Joel Frey, Clay Haglund

1. Secretary’s Report: No changes to be made for March’s General Membership minutes. Motion to pass by Chuck Hottinger, 2nd by Molly Kennedy. Motion passed

2. Treasurer-Connie Anderson: STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FOR MONTH ENDING March 2015 Connie is currently out due to a medical procedure. Chuck Hottinger made the motion to have the Treasurer report for March be mailed to him and he will present it at May’s General Membership Meeting. 2nd by Molly Kennedy, motion passed.

3. Correspondence: • State Employee Policy Committee (SEPC) Spring Conference will be held May 1st. The information should be emailed out to the members for those who would like to attend. Every year we get together as a big group and go over the policies. This year we will be discussing safe staffing, negotiations, and voting on the DHS Policy Committee. It is important that we get a representative from Local 404. Thom Wilkins is currently on this committee. In the afternoon we break into policy committees. We are slotted 31 delegates. Please let Amanda Mathiowetz know by April 21st if you are interest. Molly Kennedy made a motion for a hotel room to be covered by the local for April 30th. This would be for those attending the President’s Meeting April 30th at 8pm only. Also the mileage be covered for those who drive to SEPC. 2nd by James Hemshrot. Discussion: Clay Halglund asked for the expense of the hotel room. Molly Kennedy stated that they would be staying at the Ramada Bloomington, where the conference is. The union does get a discount and this would be cheaper than paying 2 days mileage. Motion passed. • AFSCME Council 5 Financial Responsibility Training is going to be June 4th at the Holiday Inn, Duluth. There are 0 people trained right now other than Connie Anderson. Kelly Woelpern stated that she did go to this training to be a trustee. If you would like to receive this training please contact Molly Kennedy by April 21st. Chuck Hottinger made a motion that the local cover up to 5 members to go, mileage, and a one night stay. 2nd by James Hemshrot, motion passed. • April 24th there is a benefit for Andrea Ballman's premature little girl Athena Rose. The proceeds will help pay for her medical expenses as well. It is from 4 pm till 10 pm at the Red Men Club in St. Peter. • This Sunday, April 19th there is a benefit for John Wright’s son at Patrick’s from 1pm – 6pm. There will be a silent auction. 4. New Business: • Please see the minutes from April’s Labor Management Meeting’s. http://www.union404.com/index.cfm?action=cat&categoryID=a51b59c8-e87c-4c... • Scott Grefe, our Business Agent, will be retiring in June. Next month will be his last meeting with our local. Chuck Hottinger made a motion that we give him $150 for his years of service. He has served as 404’s President, Vice President, and Chief Steward over the years. Also, that we have a budget of $300 to celebrate his retirement. 2nd by James Hemshrot, motion passed.

5. Old Business: • Ryan Cates has been working on ordering some hats, shirts, and bags for the local. It is important to have emblems around the work place because it shows that we are one united front. The hats will especially make a presence at MSH. Supervisors do make comments on the apparel and people notice it. $10000 does seem like a lot but we do take in a lot. It is not that much to give back to our members. Some members were upset but apparel is important because it does make a statement.

6. Items from the membership: • Clay Haglund presented to the meeting on behalf of the Mankato Area Mountain Bikers (MAMB). They are seeking support. Local 404 sponsored them last year. This helped the club purchase string mowers and materials. Through the winter they bought and made grooming equipment. MAMB is promoted through Nicollet Bike Shop as of March 1st. They have fostered partnerships with the High School Mountain Bike League affiliated through NICA. The team in Mankato is expected to double in size. MAMB provides a free resource to kids and families in the area. A plaque will be going up to recognize the sponsors and T shirts are also being made with the various sponsors on the back. Motion by James Hemshrot to donate $300 like last year. 2nd by Chuck Hottinger. Motion passed. • Stacey Mueller recently sent out a link to a survey to the members. The survey was centered around scheduling and vacation. Stacey received a lot of feedback, thank you to all who responded. Scott Melby has taken a look at the results and was impressed with the response. • The committee for safety and security has derailed at the moment. The information was sent to a very small list of people because only the members of an old committee were used. 4 people showed up, 2 were AFSCME. Most people who were interested are on overnights. Tim Headlee stated that if we do not feed this machine it will die.

7. Officer Reports

Presidents Report:

VP-Chuck Hottinger:

VP- Molly Kennedy: This month in we had MSOP labor management on Thursday, April 9th. Some of the items discussed were the new scheduling system that MSOP will be piloting, a list of vacant AFSCME positions which I will attach, changing positions and days off, more discrete ways to investigate employees and running short staffed on the units. Please see www.union404.com to see what was discussed. We also had a Steward training on April 10th, 6 people attended. We had folks from CRP, the Nursing Home, CBHH Rochester, CBHH St. Peter and Bartlett 1 South attend. We will be adding their names to the list of stewards. I hope that existing stewards will let them shadow and learn some of the components of being a steward. Lastly I ask that you attend some of the upcoming benefits that involve AFSCME members. John Wright's son Jordon just completed chemo and fought his battle with cancer, they are having a benefit to help pay for some of his medical expenses. His benefit is this Sunday, April 19th from 1 pm-6 pm at Patrick's on Third in St. Peter. Also next Friday April 24th there is a benefit for Andrea Ballman's premature little girl Athena Rose. The proceeds will help pay for her medical expenses as well. It is from 4 pm till 10 pm at the Red Men Club in St. Peter. In Solidarity, Molly Kennedy Vice President Steward Coordinator Local 404

Executive Board: Luke Frederick

Executive Board: Adam Castle

Executive Board: James Hemshrot

CS MSH/Transition: Ryan Cates

CS CBHH / CARE & MSOP: Matt Stenger

CS FACILITY SUPPORT: Mike Homer This last month I have sat a number of investigations for MSOP as well as for the Main Kitchen. I am working on one grievance pertaining to a scheduling issue. Tim and I have also met with management about the never ending financial problems and what that will look like for Dietary (Main Kitchen) here on campus. I am continuing to speak with HR and management to resolve issues at the Main Kitchen.

CS Nursing Home: Eric Hesse I met with FNH management and HR on April 9th and we discussed the locations of investigations, trying to get a better location for the comfort room, and inversing into a full overnight shift after coming in at 1pm for a meeting. We also will be moving the dates of these meeting to a yet to be determined day in the future due to scheduling conflicts. I have filed two 3rd step grievances this month, one for a 1 day suspension and one for an oral reprimand. I am still awaiting responses on all the 3rd step grievances that we met with HR on back during the last week of February. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. In solidarity, Eric Hesse.

CS MSH / CRP / Nursing Nights: Shannon Pech

CLU delegate report-

Council 5 Field Representative Scott Grefe:

Motion to adjourn meeting by Molly Kennedy at 5:00 pm, 2nd by Luke Frederick.