Present: Tim Headlee, John Collins, Chuck Carlson, Scott Grefe, Jeremy Tubbs, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Molly Kennedy, Annie Jakacki, Tudy Fowler, Jo Blaschko, Frank Schwartz, Jasmine Bohnert, Connie Anderson, Tom Christensen, John Knobbe, David Proffitt
Management Issues:
1. Licensing Report – any questions? Chuck asked about the training requirements that were mentioned in the report. David stated that there will be some CBT and some classroom training rolled out to ensure we are compliant with this requirement. David simply stated that we cannot use restrictive measures as we have in the past. Policies, procedures, and philosophies are being looked into.
2. Posting of vacancy postings – can’t guarantee accuracy of distribution lists as HR doesn’t manage that process. Proposal that all employees would be responsible for accessing a website to review postings. There was dialogue including contract language, the I-net site that people should be looking at and the amount of people that should be on the distribution (appx 800) list compared to how many are on the list (appx 1200). The local declined to move away from the current practice. Chuck also asked why recently posted positions were cancelled. TC stated that he will be looking moving temporarily reassigned staff back to their bid units. He will then assess the needs and post vacancies accordingly.
3. Tudy gave the local a heads up that management is looking into setting up a grievance mailbox that would help with tracking purposes. The date on the email would serve as the signature stamp and all grievances would go through HR. HR is in the process of discussion this with the other bargaining units. The union brought forth issues that have arisen with this process in MSOP including the fact that this has all 3 steps of a grievance being brought to HR and no attempt to resolve issues with the immediate supervisor. Scott Grefe stated that the local is willing to copy HR on all steps but that grievances will still be filed with the immediate supervisors. Tudy will do some research into how this process has been handled in MSOP.
Union Issues:
1. Sick time reason requirements Following email was sent to SC staff from supervisor: “Beginning immediately, with the next time entry due Tuesday, 12/20, all uses of sick time need to include a note indicating; • Self or Dependent, • Infectious or non-infectious, • Infection control category, o RESPIRATORY: e.g., would include nose, throat & lung infections such as strep infections, influenza, common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. o GASTROINTESTINAL: e.g., diarrhea (> 3 loose stools in 24 hours), vomiting, or any contagious intestinal infections. o SKIN: e.g., skin infections such as contagious rashes, MRSA or shingles. o EYE: e.g., bacterial conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis (pink eye). o INFESTATIONS: e.g., scabies, lice or other parasitic infections. o OTHER: (Specify) If the sick time is FMLA related please refer to the documentation provided to you from HR.” The union asked about HIPPA and contractual rights stating that this seems to go above and beyond what seems necessary. Tudy stated that it is an infection control rule/requirement to ask whether it is infectious or non-infectious. She was under the impression that if it was non-infectious the questions would stop there and will look into who the appointing authority is. David said that the CDC must be reported to during flu season and discussed MN statute 144.56. Following self-care guidelines does not always include going to the doctor- staff is encouraged to follow these requirements to the best of their abilities in order to keep other staff and patients safe.
2. WIRC Committee Policy (Workplace Investigatory Review Committee) This committee was designed to establish consistency but the union does not feel this is happening and feels that in many cases the punishment does not fit the crime. The local feels that the human aspect is removed from this process when the supervisor ‘may’ but is not always a part of this committee. Many times the people on this committee do not know the staff person. Tudy stated that overall performance is also being looked at and that supervisors are still supposed to take care of day to day issues. She also said that an employee’s personnel file is looked at before the discussion at the WIRC committee. David stated that he is sensitive to the fact that associating one work behavior with another can be dangerous and he i999s willing to entertain language to make this function how it is intended.
3. Investigations: • process • unit directors role • why the increase? • what changed to cause the increase? The union feels that not everything is a work performance issue and asked that each situation should be looked at case by case. Past ways of dealing with issues included sitting down with an employee and saying “knock it off” and the supervisor would give the person a warning. Any future issues would then warrant an investigation and/or involving HR. John Collins stated that there are many investigations going on right now and some of them seem somewhat inane. David asked Melissa Gresczyk to look into guidelines regarding investigations. Chuck agreed that there needs to be anagreement on what needs to be investigated. Supervisors will be reminded of their ability to have ‘sidebar’ coaching sessions or training with staff. The union is willing to be a part of the meeting a supervisor may have with the union member to set things back on the right track. David will mention this to supervisors and encourage them to utilize it.
4. Staff morale due to Investigations/Disciplines/Terminations/OrganizationalChanges/Policy Changes Staff Morale: • Traumatized organization • affect increase of investigations has on direct care staff • affect recent Star Tribune article has on staff • fear of failure and reprisal • lack of clarity of expectations/poor communication of expectations/expectations/competing guidelines for staff (Policies saying don't do something and then being told to ignore that policy and vice versa) • using email to announce changes • staff having to find comfort in the "new normal" with no support in making that transition • rumor mill becoming THE source of new information. The union urged management that these issues need to be communicated to staff and feels that email is not the best way to discuss these issues. Management announced that there will be staff forums held on January 19th to go over these and other issues. Staff will be paid to attend this forum. Staff areurged to use their best judgment when dealing with difficult or violent client care issues. Keeping the patient safe, respecting them and their dignity and rights will result in no issues for staff. Staff are encouraged to go into situations with confidence. The local mentioned that staff safety needs to be looked at with the increase in injuries in the past 2 months.
5. ICS's: • supervisor roles when present • clinical/nursing role when present • direct care staff looking for guidance and finding no volunteers TC stated that it will take some time to get used to this new direction but feels confident that we can do this. He has spoken to supervisors, psychology and SOD’s regarding the ICS process. It is understood that ICS’s are now taking longer but that the process is all about communication. The process will continually be looked at in order to work bugs out.
6. NASMHPD and other training: • are we planning on using any of the NASMHPD grant hours awarded to us? • Person centered Care training program NASMHPD is being looked into and urgency/priority is being considered. Person Centered training will be on Feb 8/9 with 60 slots available. Units 200 and 900 are the pilot areas but Jo B said there are about 20 slots left. She will look into how staff is being made aware of the training and said that all staff will eventually have this training.
7. Budget/2012 Legislative Session: • what to be aware of • what to be concerned with • what we need There is currently a $40 million bonding proposal that would move MSH on top of the hill separating MSH from MSOP. The proposal would include a 24 bed hospital grade admissions unit, moving admin and transition and flattening out the current MSH units to eliminate blind spots. It is estimated that each unit would take 7-9 months for a total construction phase of 3-4 years. Management is currently working on drafts and funding proposals.
8. SOFS Organizational Structure and Work/Committee Structures: Timeline for formulation of work groups and committees related to organizational and clinical changes. Clinical Violence reduction Group, 2) program efficiencies. David handed out a draft for the Clinical Violence Reduction Group. He intends to involve the staff that deals with these issues the most in this group of 10 members (3 SC, 2 SCL, 3 RN or LPN, 1 SW, 1 RT) 1 of these members will be a CRP staff. There is a budget of $2000 for this which David said will be used for training materials.
9. Update on Audit Request for CRP HST’s: Tudy announced that the results of the job audit are completed. Beginning next pay period HST’s working in CRP will be moving to Security Counselors. CRP will still remain separate from MSH regarding coverage but staff will be able to bid across programs. The hiring/interviewing process, training, and other questions were raised. Management stated that issues that come up will be worked out. She also said that other programs were looked at in this study.
10. Staff Injuries: The share point site that lists injuries had no information for December. TC listed the injury numbers as follows: September- 2, October- 3, November- 10, and December- 11.
2- Step 3 grievances were presented