10/12/17 MSOP Meeting Minutes

Present: Adam Castle, Matt Stenger, Bonnie Wold, Zach Soweija, Troy Sherwood, Paul Rodriquez, Molly Kennedy, Tim Lokensgard, Eric Hesse


Follow Up Items: 1. OT/Inverse Numbers: Tim L- 1st watch had 15 inverses for 54.25 hours. 2nd watch had 29 inverses for 94 hours. 3rd watch had 21 inverses for 118 hours.

2. Bump to 1st Watch Bidding Rights:  Molly-A staff member was on the schedule for 3rd watch before he bid but was then forced back to 1st watch. Zach-When a bid is awarded, it is considered a successful bid at that moment which also begins the 6 month bid ban per contract. Molly-He was on nights for the next 3 months and then bumped. Hesse-If HR offers award, can they say if you take this, there is a possibility of being bumped? Tim L-If you are taking a bid, contact JR to see how close you are to being bumped. Zach-We are working on the SharePoint site to update the list so people know where they fall. Tim L-I would like to thank you (AFSCME) allowing us to hire directly from the job fair. We were able to hire all 6 positions. One on first watch backed out so this may cause a bumping situation. One hire had family issues and will start in December instead. We are waiting 3 to 4 months of probation to bump staff to nights. If there are questions around a staff’s performance, we may keep them on days longer to address the issues.

3. Shantz 1 East and 2 East Leads/6-2 Rotations: Tim L-We have 22 leads and 4 positions. We will keep the leads on 6-2 rotation on 1st and 2nd watch on the East side. We talked about a 3rd watch Sunrise lead. We will be taking a 1st watch position and make a sunrise east lead with Sun/Mon off.

4. Lower Access and Patrol: Bonnie-We talked to Carol Olsen at MSH and had a meeting because we had different ideas about what was going to happen with this.  We have been approved for 6 FTE positions but we don’t have the funding yet but we expect to get it soon. We will not be taking over all of lower campus.  We will be taking over the access booth only and MSH will continue to operate campus patrol. We will run the booth the same as MSH does right now.

5. Bidding to Moose Lake from St. Peter: Zach-An MSH staff must apply externally if they want to go to MSOP Moose Lake because they are different appointing authority.  MSOP St. Peter staff can transfer without applying externally and vice versa. Matt-Does vacation stay? Zach-No, because staff would be switching supplemental language. Matt-But we are in the same bargaining unit. We will check with our business agent to look into this more.

6. HR Clarification: Hesse-Is Jessica still our HR representative? Zach-No, she has left the position for another job. We will be looking to fill her position.

New Agenda Items

Management Agenda Items

1. Call In Expectations: Bonnie-I would just like to remind people of the call-in procedure. If someone is working a double due to assigned overtime, please let the OD know when you call in sick that you were also supposed to work the other shift as well.

2. Updated list of union reps needed: Hesse-We would like to train in the new reps before they are brought into investigations etc. Molly-We will give you a list but we would like to have them trained first to be more comfortable. We would like you to contact one of us first and then we can contact a newer rep so we can assist them. Zach-Can you give us a list of reps who are comfortable first? Molly-Yes, we can do that.

3. Forums: Bonnie-We have all staff forums next Tuesday where we will be giving a lot of updates on the program. The chili cook-off will also be on Tuesday.

4. Sick Call In: Paul- We have been getting some sick calls a couple of minutes after the shift start time. Please make sure to call in earlier.

Meeting adjourned at 1230pm