1/8/15 MSOP Meeting Minutes

Present: Scott Grefe, Troy Sherwood, Molly Kennedy, Bonnie Wold, Tim Headlee, Chuck Hottinger, Amanda Mathiowetz, Matt Stenger, Tim Lokensgard, Melissa DuChene


1. 3rd Vacation spot for 1st Watch employees Management is approving the 3rd vacation spot for 1st Watch staff. The 3rd vacation slot is to start the first pay-period of the new fiscal year. Therefore, Security Counselors and Leads can put in requests for dates on and after July 9th, which is first date that 3rd vacation spot will be available for staff to request leave for. A date will be announced on the homepage when Security Counselors can begin to put in their requests for the 3rd vacation spot.

2. Redacting staff names on incident reports in CPS a. The client requests for Moose Lake incident reports have identifier and staff information redacted. b. There are concerns within CPS that incident reports could be used in a malicious manner by clients. It was reported that one client has been requesting incident reports and uses that information to retaliate against staff. When the names are redacted, the client can put together who wrote the report based on the day and shift. This was a concern for labor that staff may not write an incident report, as they feel uncomfortable that the information could be used against them in the future. Management is currently working to address this issue. Bonnie Wold stated that the team has been diligently working to address the concerns regarding the CPS client.

3. Cross training and a date this could be implemented a. With a new process in granting holidays more staff would like to be cross trained. AFSCME requested that on heavy staffed days those interested in being cross trained receive that training. Labor reported that there is a need for more staff to be trained to cover the 3rd Watch Count Coordinators. Management requested that all requests for cross training be sent to John Haller.

4. Beards and fit tests a. Chuck Hottinger checked with OSHA and manufacturer standards with the masks and requirements for maintaining a seal. According to the information presented by Chuck Hottinger by these two resources staff must be shaved below the jawline. Bonnie stated that their Safety Officer is looking into this further right now.

5. Running units short on 3rd Watch a. It has been brought to the union’s attention that staff on 3rd watch feel unsafe with lowering the numbers in Shantz specifically to 3 SC’s per floor for 3-4 hours. AFSCME asked for clarification on the staff safety standards. Management stated that the A-team is available in the building to provide coverage. AFSCME responded that in the past staff have been left short for shorter periods of time. It was reported that in the past this would occur for less than an hour, but lately it’s been up to a couple of hours. Labor reported that this creates difficulty in coordinating break times. Management stated that they will look at this further.

6. Update on budget and spending / filling positions a. There is not an update at this time. Management stated that they wished they could fill positions but at this time nothing is being approved by the Commissioner. Two Security Counselors were approved (Outings Post and Px1S). Tim Lokensgard stated that he felt he had written a very good justification for having the positions filled. b. Why haven’t vacant positions been filled? Management stated that they cannot get approval to fill the vacant positions, as nothing has been approved internally. Scott Grefe stated that he will be working on this.

7. Rebalance Rotations a. Rotation 3 seems to be heavy leaving us short on that rotation’s days off. AFSCME asked when the last time that the rotations were looked at was. Management stated that sometimes it makes a difference with LOA’s and what rotation they are on. Management will look into this further.

8. Least Seniors in training a. Those off of OJT but training in a special department (i.e. Control Center) should be included in the list of Least Seniors because they can still be inversed to areas they are trained in. Tim Lokensgard thought that this was an error with the Least Senior Generator because it sees “In Training” and excludes that staff. This will be brought to the attention of the OD’s.


1. Monitoring female clients a. A policy change to monitoring female clients was presented to the Policy Committee and was approved. The client must now be in your line of sight but all conversations do not need to be monitored. A form explaining the policy will go with the staff monitoring. There will not be a physical barrier, just more distance. This will be presented at role call meetings and implemented next week (January 12th).

2. Electronic Mutuals a. Management requested that whenever possible, please pre-plan and submit mutuals electronically. There has been an increase in mutuals submitted to the OD’s. This leaves more room for error. Understand there are last minute changes but try to submit to the scheduler.

3. WOC OD’s a. A Work out of Class OD position was approved for 2nd watch. There were very good candidates and it was a difficult decision. Management has chosen to divide this between two 3 month stints. It is anticipated that this position will not be permanently filled until after July.