9/20/12 MSOP Meeting Minutes

For Management: Ralph Schmidt, Gary Grimm, Bonnie Wold, Melissa Gresczyk, Cindy Jungers, and Kim Franek.

For the Union: Molly Kennedy, Scott Grefe, Matt Stenger, Andy Jones, Kevin Graves, and John Knobbe.


Mutualing to Doubles

Management reiterated that, per Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB), they have no authority to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding mutualing to doubles until the AFSCME contract has been settled. AFSCME argued that, since the current contract allows for mutualing to doubles, a MoU would not be necessary. Management replied that the issue continues to be the 30 minute overlap between shifts. The Union proposed staff being allowed to use 30 minutes of vacation to address the overlap. Management agreed to take the proposal back to MMB.

Vacation Piggybacking

Management shared that an announcement had been placed on the homepage regarding the vacation request/approval process in order to stop vacation piggybacking. The Union indicated they had received good feedback from staff regarding the change.

Vacation Rescinds

Management stated that the scheduler would provide notice of posted vacation that was rescinded in a block of 40 hours or more as per the AFSCME contract. Management also indicated they had asked the schedulers at both sites to send receipt of vacation rescinds to staff via email.

Tracking Overtime for Contract Violation Purposes

Management agreed to look into the capability of the electronic overtime sign-up system to run reports, but, until then, information regarding overtime could be obtained through a data request to Human Resources or by asking the Officer of the Day, when appropriate.

Scheduled Breaks – Follow Up with ODs

Management shared that the conversation with the ODs regarding scheduled breaks had occurred.


Tardiness Policy Update

Human Resources shared a copy of the updated Tardiness and Failure to Report to Work policy. The policy was updated to replace the “unforeseen emergency” language with “authorized” or “unauthorized.” Staff can request that a tardy be considered authorized by submitting a Level 2 Confidential Incident Report which will be reviewed by Administration. The policy was posted October 2 and will be effective November 6.

The Union asked what would be considered authorized. Management reiterated that every situation will be reviewed individually with the totality of each individual’s circumstances taken into consideration.

Short Notice Vacation

Management shared that, since the announcement regarding short notice vacation was published on the homepage, it was discovered that each site was using different terminology. Regardless of whether it is called short notice vacation, shift in progress, or an early out, the goal of Management at both sites is to provide staff with an opportunity to have time off while still maintaining facility staffing needs. The main change for St. Peter would be that staff must report to work for their scheduled shift to request vacation for that day. Staff would no longer be allowed to call in requesting same-day vacation.

The Union proposed an increase in vacation slots on “fat” days as there consistently seems to be a large number of staff being released early on these days. Management replied that the current staffing pattern does not justify a permanent increase in vacation slots as the staffing needs vary from day to day. However, Management did agree to discuss granting extra vacation inside 14 days as well as taking a look at “fat” days. It was agreed by both sides to keep this item as an action item.


Bidding to Days Off

The Union stated that, per the supplemental agreement, the scheduling pattern and practice for St. Peter is that Security Counselors and Security Counselor Leads will be scheduled five (5) consecutive workdays, two (2) consecutive days off. Days off will be determined by Class Seniority. Furthermore, the supplemental states that departures from this scheduling pattern/practice shall be implemented pursuant to Master Language. The Union argued that this language is clear that, for staff on a 5/2 rotation, days off are by seniority. The Union informed Management that its stance regarding Management’s decision to leave Security Counselor Leads on a 5/2 rotation with fixed days off no longer determined by seniority is that this is only a partial departure and thus the supplemental language must be followed. Management replied that they have heard the Union’s position and will consider it as they continue to discuss the issue.

SC/SCL One Week Vacation Per Year

The Union shared that some staff have asked if Management would consider granting one week of vacation per year by seniority. Management asked what would happen if staff bid across watches, to which the Union replied that would be handled the same way it is now. The Union stated the request had been brought forward by a few staff so they were presenting it for discussion.

Advance Known Overtime Sign Up

Agenda item was removed by the Union.

Removing Vacation from Calendar for Work Out of Class Staff

The Union stated they thought the agreement with Management was that vacation would be removed from the calendar for staff on work out of class for 5 months or more. They clarified that they would like the vacation for these staff removed when the schedule is posted. Management clarified that they cannot rescind approved vacation; it is up to the staff to remove themselves.

Short Notice Vacation/Shift in Progress

Agenda item was removed by the Union.


Additional Vacation Slot on First Watch

The Union stated that, although Moose Lake has roughly the same number of staff on 1st Watch, they have 3 vacation slots as compared to St. Peter’s 2 slots. They asked that Management consider adding another vacation slot to 1st Watch in St. Peter. Management agreed to review this request.

Scheduling of Intermittent Staff

The Union raised the issue of an intermittent nurse being scheduled. Management agreed to follow up with the supervisor.