
Attendees: Andy Jones, Molly Kennedy, John Collins, Chuck Carlson, Tim Headlee, Scott Grefe, Tom Christiansen, Melissa Gresczyk, John Knobbe, Jen Frew, Carol Olson, Coleen Ryan, Connie Jones, Elizabeth Blomberg, Tudy Fowler

AFSCME agenda items:

1. Update of Reorg: Carol O. will be discussing the org chart at the Joint Labor Management meeting on Friday and Town Hall meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, May 2nd.

Attendees: Melissa Gresczyk, Tudy Fowler, Colleen Ryan, David Proffitt, Anne Barry, Connie Anderson, John Collins, Annie Jakacki, John Knobbe, Chuck Carlson, Tim Headlee, Molly Kennedy (Recorder)

Update of Reorg: A. SC Leads and RN partnership – will be addressed via a steering committee. B. Lead coverage on units and more positions – on hold at this time. C. Status of PD’s – completed and final version distributed

Labor: Chuck Carlson, John Collins, Jeremy Tubbs, John Knobbe, Connie Anderson, Annie Jakacki, Ann Sullivan.
Management: David Proffitt, Colleen Ryan, Melissa Gresczyk, Elizabeth Blomberg, Tudy Fowler

Present: Tim Headlee, John Collins, Chuck Carlson, Scott Grefe, Jeremy Tubbs, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Molly Kennedy, Annie Jakacki, Tudy Fowler, Jo Blaschko, Frank Schwartz, Jasmine Bohnert, Connie Anderson, Tom Christensen, John Knobbe, David Proffitt

Management Issues:

Management: Tom Christensen, David Proffitt, Colleen Ryan, Melissa Gresczyk, Tudy Fowler
Union: Tim Headlee, John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Ann Sullivan, Scott Grefe, Connie Anderson, Chuck Carlson

Present: Scott Grefe, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, John Collins, Connie Anderson, Michelle Chalin, Tudy Fowler, Melissa Gresczyk, Tom Christensen, Colleen Ryan, David Proffitt

Management Issues:

1) Discuss on goals/purpose of the labor management meeting. The purpose of these meetings will be to establish shared interests, to decide how we are going to work together on strategies for improvement and to decide what is working and what is not working. Clarification on issues that AFSCME members wish to have voiced will also be part of these meetings.

Present: Connie Anderson, Chuck Carlson, John Collins, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), John Knobbe, Molly Kennedy, Nancy Draves, Melissa Gresczyk, David Proffitt, Colleen Ryan, Tom Christensen, Michelle Chalin

Old Business:

1. Safety • Current injury numbers-11 total injuries; 4 with no lost time- 1st report of injury only • Current Security Counselors LOA or IOD status numbers • Military Leave- 5 • Medical Leave (non-work related)- 3 • Education Leave- 1 • Parental Leave-1 SC that went from .5 to Intermittent • Extended IOD Leave-2 • Light duty- 3

Present: Connie Anderson, John Collins, Charles Johnson, Ann Sullivan (Recorder), Scott Grefe, Molly Kennedy, John Knobbe, Chuck Carlson, Nancy Draves, Jasmine Bohnert, David Proffitt, Tom Christensen, Colleen Ryan

Old Business:

1. Safety • Current injury numbers- TC has not gotten this information yet • Current Security Counselors LOA or IOD status numbers • people out on leave: Military Leave=6, Medical Leave=2, Education Leave=1, Parent Leave=1, and Extended Leave=1 • people on light duty- 1 person at 6 hours per day