
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration halted all federal student loan repayments. After the national COVID-19 emergency ended in March 2023, Congress passed a law preventing further extensions. As a result, payments resumed in October.

For people whose student loan repayments have started up again, there’s good news.


Attendance: Ryan Cates, Matt Stenger, Cory Moon, Eric Manriquez, Rick Pitts, Marvin Sullivan, James Kibler, Annie Jakacki, Brian Wills, Scott Melby, Michelle Chalin, Roxanne Portner, Jonelle Gressman, Sarah Aili

Present: Rick Pitts, Eric Manriquez, Ryan Cates, Nick Weerts, Jamie Schwartz, Cory Moon, James Kibler, Antonio Guerrero, Kyle Heinze, Cami Baume, Jennifer Mills, Lisa Brandenburg. 

Via Zoom: Marvin Sullivan, Annie Jakacki

Secretary Report:

A motion was made to accept the minutes from last month by Rick Pitts and 2nd by Jamie Schwartz – Passed.

Treasurer Report: Antonio Guerrero

Cash Balance Beginning of Month: $94,440.38

Income for the Month: $7,530.53

Expenses for the Month: $8,366.43

Cash Balance End of Month: $93,604.38

TOLEDO, Ohio – AFSCME President Lee Saunders and dozens of AFSCME members stood strong alongside striking UAW members at the Stellantis Jeep and Chrysler assembly plant here Monday in a powerful demonstration of solidarity with the autoworkers. UAW members are 

“This is going to be a game-changer for my household and millions of other retirees like me,” AFSCME Illinois Retiree Craig Missel said in the fall of 2022, as he and other AFSCME members shared stories of progress since President Joe Biden took office in 2020.

Amid tragedy, the ‘true soul of Hawaii’ shines bright

Cameron Dexter with U.S. President Biden. Member provided photo.

General Membership Meeting-AFSCME 404

August 17, 2023



Erin Wiederich, Ryan Cates, Eric Hesse, Matt Stenger, Kyle Heinze, Antonino Guerrero, Jessica Butler, Ben Zarn, Steaed Doehring,

My apologies for anyone that I missed via zoom.