November 2021 Membership Meeting Minutes part 3

Ben-Did you guys asks about taking HSS shifts for overtime? Nurses and LPNs can take SC shifts, can we go to a grove a shift if there is inversing. Ryan-We can bring it up.

Nicole-Any discussion on top out higher LPN? Is there anything LPNs can do to top out higher? We need degrees and other requirements. Leads need 2 years’ experience and GED. Annie-It falls under wage inequity and that goes to negotiations and submit wage inequity proposal. Ryan-Eric has had experience with wage inequities.

Ben-Have you talked about weekend bonus for SCs? Ryan-Yes it was and they are telling us they need to talk to other people and it’s not their decision. We will keep pushing on it.

8. Officer Reports:

President: Ryan Cates- This past month I have…

 Attended Forensic Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

 Attended MSOP Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

 Filed multiple grievances and sat investigations.

 Talked with members in multiple work areas and listened to their concerns.

 Presented and argued grievances.

 Communicated information to E-Board members about issues facing the Local.

 Chaired the Executive Board Meeting.

 Chaired the General Membership Meeting. It was virtual on Zoom.

Sat in meetings with management to persuade them that there is not enough vacation offered and something has to change. More meetings are scheduled and there will be changes to the current vacation situation.

Nominations for Union officers are in December and elections are on January 20th.  I encourage anybody who is interested, to run for one of the Union officer positions. I ask that all members vote on January 20th and have a voice in the leadership of AFSCME Local 404.

  If any member of Local 404 feels they are not being represented by our Union, please let me know. We cannot fix problems if we do not know there is a problem.

 We ask that all members who are interviewed as non-subjects in an investigation, request Union representation. If management refuses, then members should refuse to answer questions. Participation in investigations is completely voluntary and they cannot coerce you to answer their questions. We need to do this to compel management to discontinue their practice of refusing to allow Union representatives into investigations.


VP: Steve Wilking-

VP: Eric Hesse-

Executive Board: Jake Schoenecker- Over the past month I have been attending union meetings and sitting in investigations with members.

Executive Board: Judith Ehrman- The investigation was completed. There was not a waiver signed for grieving the Investigation. The Staff resigned and declined to file a grievance or a waiver.

Concerns expressed by members

  1. Being scheduled 7 days in a row without overtime.
    1. Question: Can a person voluntarily pick up shifts that then put them 7 days in a row without overtime? The changes were short notice. One was 5 days and the other 1 day. It is to cover needs on the night shift that is short staffed.
  2. The overtime was not called out and offered by seniority.
  3. The use of the HUC has created an issue with floor coverage. Forcing inversing and overtime.
    1. The AFSCME staff have requested to have the HUC position stopped and the working out of class end, to cover the needs on the floor.
  4. Request for agenda on the next Meet and Confer is to address the language change in the contract that allows a request for vacation more than six months out. There is also a need to explain that the vacation requests need to be posted for staff to see. To be fair and the vacation be granted by seniority. The requests are not showing up in Atlas until they are approved.  I have spoken to Heather on more than one occasion about this and it has not been addressed.
  5. Open shifts for overtime are not being posted at the time of the schedule being posted.
  6. Which pay period is the raise going into effect?
  7. There has not been HST’s or LPN’s interviewed yet. They are now interviewing for MHPAs


Executive Board: Chief Steward Alex Flores-

Executive Board: Chief Steward Nick Weerts- I kept busy the last month in MSOP! I attended the monthly Labor Management meeting, as well as our monthly e-board & general membership meetings. As with most months, I assisted with New Employee Orientation where we had some new employees as well as inter-departmental transfers. Be welcoming to any new folks as they filter through your work areas!


It was a rather quiet month for me with investigations & grievances. I did file and present a 3rd Step Grievance related to a Voluntary Resignation, as well as file a couple of OT contract violation grievances which have yet to be resolved. I continue to field many questions & concerns from the Membership, and assist as I’m able.


I continue to follow the transition of MSOP Health Services as it evolves into 2 separate sites. Vacant positions continue to be filled as the department gets toward a full staffing compliment. They are finally finding some stability after a long time in flux.


Reminder the contact for HR is [email protected]

Leave Management requests (FMLA) should go to [email protected]


Communication continues to be key to our success & strength, so Members are encouraged to reach out with concerns/observations. Please see for all meeting minutes.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nick Weerts

MSOP Chief Steward


Security Counselor | MSOP Community Prep Services

AFSCME MSOP Chief Steward

Executive Board: Chief Steward Marvin Sullivan-