General Membership 03.16.23

General Membership Meeting-AFSCME 404

March 16, 2023



Erin Wiederich, Ryan Cates, Steaed Doehring, Annie Jakacki, James Kibler, Matt Stenger, Eric Manriquez, Antonino Guerrero, Jamie Schwartz, Eric Hesse,

My apologies for anyone that I missed via zoom.

1.Secretary Report:

Motion to approve meeting minutes by Erin Wiederich. 2nd by James Kibler. Motion passes.

2. Treasurer-Antonino Guerrero:






SAVINGS: $ 153181.84

SUBMITTED BY: Antonino Guerrero

Motion to accept subject to audit by Eric Hesse.  2nd by Eric Manriquez. Motion passes.

3. Correspondence: 

4. New Business: 1. Use your floating holiday.  If you don’t use your floating holiday, then you’ll lose it. They aren’t going to send out a reminder to use your floating holiday.

2. 12-hour shifts for forensics are going to be posted in April for grove D. The goal is going to get the 10-hour shifts for the NOC’s and the overlapping shifts for pm/am. It’s a pilot project.  They need to fill the 12 shifts first.  IF they don’t fill them then it will not move forward.  They need nine 12-hour shift employees per grove.  It will be a grove utility pool.  The shift will 8am-8pm. There are still lots of questions that union leadership plans to discuss with management.   12-hour shift is not inversible.

3. Member chat group was paused; it wasn’t meant to end it or censor anyone, it was done so that administrators of the page could decide what to do with the page.  Union leadership would like to turn the member chat group page over to the membership and stay off it.  Union will create their own page to send out communications.  E-board will still be able to answer questions.

4. A motion was made to move money from checking account to savings account ($100,000).  Member asked about moving it into a CD to gain better interest.  Will investigate further and talk about it next month.  Motion was made by Matt. Seconded by Eric. Motion passes.

5. There is a leadership conference for local leaders across council 5 on April 20 and 21, 2023. There could be 2 people going. Motion was made to have per diems, mileage, and hotel covered for one night by Eric. Seconded by Steaed. Motion passes.

5. Old Business:

1. Day On The Hill is March 28, 2023. We are planning to split a bus with Local 638 MNSCU. Motion made to pay for this bus. Passed.

2. SCPC-May 5th Convention, if you’d like to attend, email Manriquez. If we get more interest in going than we can send, we’ll vote next month.

3. Delegates Assembly-proposal list was voted on and it will go to the next meeting. April 4th for negotiations to start. We’ll keep you updated.


6. Items from the membership:

1. The pay inequity for security counselor/leads is at Minnesota Management and Budget now.

2. Member asked why union dues went up 4%? They go up yearly, goes up by an average percentage of raises that members get nationwide. The dues are set by the local and international constitutions.

3. Member asked about the achievement award update specifically for the forensic noc shift. It wasn’t discussed at meet and confer this month but will try to remember to address it next month.   

4.  COVID grievance- individual grievance aren’t discussed at general membership

5. Holy day grievance- individual grievance aren’t discussed at general membership

6. The FMLA issues that members are having with getting their inverse subtracted from their total hours is getting discussed by management and legal aide.

7. A member brought a concern about the steward’s job being taxing without much compensation. The member was advised to get a proposed motion put together for next month’s general membership meeting so that it can be discussed and voted on by the membership.   


7. Good and Welfare: 

8. Officer Reports:

8. Officer Reports:

President: Ryan Cates-

This past month I have…

 Attended and led Forensic Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

 Attended MSOP Meet and Confer- Notes are attached to the meeting minutes.

Chaired the March Executive Board meeting

Chaired the March General Membership meeting

 Filed multiple grievances and sat investigations.

 Talked with members in multiple work areas, answered their questions and listened to their concerns.

 Presented and argued grievances.

 Communicated information to E-Board members about issues facing the Local.

We continue to push for changes to the vacation process in FMHP, that will allow more members to take vacation when they want to.


I have talked to state Legislators about the staffing issues at Forensics and MSOP in St Peter.

 If any member of Local 404 feels they are not being represented by our Union, please let me know. We cannot fix problems if we do not know there is a problem.

We ask that all members who are interviewed as non-subjects in an investigation, request Union representation. If management refuses, then members should refuse to answer questions. Participation in investigations is completely voluntary and they cannot coerce you to answer their questions. We need to do this to compel management to discontinue their practice of refusing to allow Union representatives into investigations.


VP: Matt Stenger-

VP: Eric Hesse-

Executive Board: Chief Steward- Rick Pitts-

Executive Board: Chief Steward - Eric Manriquez- 

Executive Board: Chief Steward Nick Weerts-

Executive Board: Chief Steward Marvin Sullivan-

Executive Board: Chief Steward James Kibler-

Executive Board: Chief Steward Cory Moon--

Executive Board: Chief Steward Steve Wilking-

Executive Board: Jamie Schwartz-

Executive Board: Mike Hohenstein-

Executive Board: Steaed Doehring-For March - I Attended the MSOP labor management meeting, E-Board and General Membership meetings, presented at new member orientation, and attended our Negotiations Assembly. Please reach out to me for any questions. 

Motion to adjourn by Ben, 2nd by Eric. Motion Passes

Meeting Adjourned at 5:40 pm