August 2019 MSH Meet and Confer

AFSCME Labor Management MSH

August 15, 2019 1230PM

Administration Building


Attendance: Adam Castle, Marvin Sullivan, Emilio Florez, Ryan Cates, Kurt Crosby, Lisa Vanderveen, Alli Kuhlman, Scott Melby, Roxanne Portner, Carol Olsen, Michelle Chalin, Matt Schirber


Reflection/Celebration: Michelle-forensic health helping out nursing home with recent issues. Very helpful. Carol-the move to prairie view went well. Staff did a great job. Roxanne-close to getting atlas app up and running. Hopefully live soon.

Standing Agenda Items:

  1. OSHA Information-Handouts from Alli.
  2. 2.      Overtime Information-Handouts from Alli.

Old Business:


  1. 1.      Hospital Coverage: Carol-was just clarification on the issue.
  2. 2.      Band Practice: Carol-was just to provide back coverage. Is that happening? Marvin-no. I don’t think its happening.
  3. 3.      Ancillaries on BH2N and 2S: Lisa-not required for ancillary but it is attached and available for people. Cates-if staff covers, both do they have to sign? Carol-yes, they do.  Marvin-they are right next to each other. One is in a clipboard and one is in a binder. Kurt-it’s a lot to read in a short time for coverage. Not going to realistically do this. Carol-I get it. It’s still a requirement by licensing. Ask help from unit staff.
  4. 4.      24/48 Inversing: Alli-the change has occurred in atlas now. Being consistent. Cates-MSH used to figure by set number of days. It wasn’t floating. Every place is doing floating. Carol-consistently being done according to contract.
  5. Charging Vacation on Days off: Scott-we will stop doing that so we don’t have to uncharge. Questions let Scott know
  6. FMHP Overtime Offering and Inversing: Scott-function as one mental health program. One overtime pool. Granting and inversing. Vacations are the same on vacation pool for CRP and MSH. Not changing allotment. If we have a need in a grove, we will fill. This in effective 9/4. Roxanne-this is not for LPNs to fill in. Carol-HSSS will stay in their grove. Carol-there is a strong desire for south campus to not have to go to north campus.  Emilio-you say one big pool and so it actually isn’t. Scott-I said what I thought would happen, not that it won’t ever happen. I’m interested in any issues or people being uncomfortable. Cates-some like the overtime. Scott-we will get there.
  7. Vacation Granting: There will be 1 vacation pool for FSSS’s in FMHP. MSH and CRP will be one vacation pool with 22 vacation spots per day.
  8. 8.      Covering units across FMHP using float report: Management will use UP to cover FNH.
  9. The merger of MSH and CRP into one program  will be implemented September 4th



  1. 1.      LPN and RN Mutuals: Cates-they agreed that we would not inverse on non-overtime jobs. Roxanne-they want a 90-day trial and a review after 60 days. Carol-it’s ultimately management’s decision. We believe it’s a good trial as well.
  2. 2.      Organizational Restructuring-LPN Groves and OT, Inversing, Coverage and Floating: Cates-LPN in grove inversed to other groves? Roxanne-currently are and keeping with that. Cates-floated? Roxanne-current. Cates-pick up overtime in others. Roxanne-currently as it is working. We will evaluate it. Can pick up in B and C as is now. Carol-not pick up overtime in transition units. Roxanne-will not be inversed in A or B. Cates-inversed to old CRP and Elm? Roxanne-No. Carol-stay the same for now.

New Business:


  1. Roxanne-LPN in unit role FSS in grove E will not schedule LPN in unit role. LPNs not able to mutual with FSSS. Effective 9/4. Kurt-more FSSS scheduled? Roxanne-no. Carol-we will keep monitoring that.
  2. 2.      Roxanne-HSSS and FMHP and LPN nightshift will have Derrick Ricky supervisor in former grove E.
  3. Roxanne-check boxes for overtime in groves b. c, d are going away. Will only have 1 check box for LPNs.



  1. 1.      Forensic Nursing Home: Carol-schedule meeting with leadership so Becky can be present. Alli-I can set it up. Cates-Marvin, Eric H, and Kurt be present. Carol-Michelle, beck, Scott and myself. Cates-if someone knows they will be tardy, call in and receive potential discipline but if in that situation why not just call in sick so not to get in trouble and not use ETL? Marvin-might make situation worse. Scott-We can take it into consideration. I do not want a different process in different places. We will take it into consideration.
  2. 2.      Discrepancies in what steps people are hired and why: Cates-situation where HSS told she had experience when hired but couldn’t start at higher level. Another higher at 4 or 5 with less experience. Why? It creates animosity. Alli-staff reached out to me. There is a compensation guidelines policy when going through a hire. I asked who they were. Michelle asked the same question. We are going to look at the ranges and steps. It’s also up to employee on resume to be able to point that out. The conversation is going on now. Kurt-I talked to the staff also, they said they explained they had experience and were told they can’t get higher pay. Cates-we get this across the LPNs. Carol-they have a very specific numbering system for fairness that has been established. Alli-if you were hired at different timeframe just based on the time you were hired too. It’s a statewide issue. I can follow up with the employee too.
  3. 3.      Unit Staffing, extras, and short staffing on FMHP units: Cates-old MSH units. Problem is not taking into account outings, etc. when assigning staff. It’s an issue at Bartlett also during break week. Frasier also. Spruce we had an assault. There was one staff and an A Team on the unit because it was very busy. Extras and floats being used for routine known coverages. Scott-staff on units need to work together. Don’t leave staff alone. Wait until staff return. If going on activity and taking 4,5, or 6 patients…Talk to supervisor in that area. I am working with the leadership. We have to know. Plan ahead when we can. Staff can use their judgement. Canteen can wait until you feel comfortable. Let’s work together and we can get resources there. We added an A Team post also. Middle of the shift utility will be used. Emilio-a team extra have a duty? Scott-yes, but I can’t remember exactly. Do things that you can respond from. Not things you will be stuck with if something is called. Marvin-things aren’t being backfilled. Scott-if we can plan ahead a bit that will help. We have to work with available resources. Marvin-we have heard these activities are planned so we should have staff. Carol-all of them have break week? Marvin-old MSH right now. Kurt-Watching a patient that isn’t ours. We offer to help and we ask what to do and told nothing. What is the direction? Michelle-detailed FSSS what to do with this client. Kurt-it was not on the clipboard. Carol-the people you were with should have know that. Established just for that patient. Scott-call the AOD if that happens again. We understand it’s a tough situation. Kurt-check the clipboard. Michelle-Ask the charge nurse on radio. Carol-If covering hospital for a client from nursing home, there will be a one-page description of the client and things you need to know.
  4. 4.      HSSS staffing levels: not FNH. Cates-occupying all units, do they have enough to run program. Carol-nothing has changed. Same number of patients. Not growing the program…yet.
  5. 5.      Intermittent Staff: Cates-limited number of positions. Retired staff want to come back but aren’t allowed. Staff aren’t retired that get the spots but don’t work and also receiving benefits and seniority. No set schedule, they don’t have to work if they don’t want to. Could give these to whoever you want. Scott-I can’t remember last time we took intermittent because we don’t need them. Kurt-we have people working full time that are intermittents. Cates-they should be the retirement staff because they earned it. The other staff don’t have to do anything and receive the benefits even if they are not in bargaining unit. We aren’t letting retired people do it but others that haven’t put in time. Kurt-initial response is that they still receive the pension years out of our taxes. It causes problems with staff. It’s just not right. They can do whatever they want. Carol-we have to sort out some stuff. Two different groupings of intermittent. Retirees and non that sit there and don’t get any hours and the group who are non-retirees getting a lot of hours. Kurt-playing the system that it wasn’t designed for. Alli-I will take that back to Mel and working on a meeting for clarification.

Add Ons:

  1. 1.      Parking in Bartlett: Marvin-more issues in Bartlett when they remarked spots. Officially marked maintenance then parked section along south of building. It was never an issue about parking for an hour. Now it’s marked no parking. Now they are cleaning up dirt. Took half the parking away. People parked by garbage cans double parking in grass area. Artman yelled at them they couldn’t park there. The other day I left and nothing was available. A lot of tension due to being late because not planning on finding a spot. Scott-Temporary? Marvin-I think so. Any day we don’t have parking. Scott-I will follow up. Carol-when hickory moves to forest view north, there will be a big problem also.


Adjourned at 130pm