1/12/17 MSOP Meeting Minutes

Present: Tim Headlee, Molly Kennedy, Troy Sherwood, Adam Castle, Bonnie Wold, Mike Homer, Zach Sowieja, Krystal Kreklow, Tim Benesch


Follow Up Items:


  1. Rec/Visit/PX1S/Transport-Hesse-One staff at activity building, one staff at social, 1 staff floating between 1S and visits. Transport is short staffed because of a temporary reassignment. Troy-Meetings with 1S team and identified all needs of VA’s.  Taking recommendations with staff and putting posts there.  Would like to meet with rec/visit staff to see what they think because they will be working with another supervisor at those times as well. Hesse will follow up with Tim about transport.

  2. Joint Meet and Confer-Frequency-Upping frequency from 2 to 3 possibly.  Wold-can do the 2 and if a 3rd is needed.  Face to face in February will be in February in Vadnais heights.  See how that goes and possibly have more.


New Agenda Items:

  1. Staffing Update: Tim is not here today and will get us the information. Creation of 3 CPS positions for whatever the needs are. Will be posted like new position. Vacancies 3 positions 2 CPS night positions and 1 utility pool 3rd watch.

  2. Assault on PX2S-Person was assaulted and got reaction from OD that she instigated it. Hesse- This is not the time or place to be saying that.  Reminder there is an appropriate time.  OD didn’t know what first report of injury would be or what to do.  Sent her to the hospital the next day.  What about the Safety packets? Hesse-Was told charges were not going to be pressed due to her ability to protect herself by OSI.  Her suggestion was to have emotional day off for future assaults.  There is a lack of staffing during dinner periods, what about staffing. Wold-Not to minimize what happened but it Possible to be alone anywhere in the facility at any time for this to happen.  We can look at all of these different situations in the future.  Troy-there is a different culture throughout the watches.  Staffing on 3rd watch is very new and unfamiliar with where we have been and where we are at.  The client was ramping up all week.  No matter what, when confronting a client like this, always have someone around when approaching the client.  Headlee-We can change numbers based on what is going on in the facility. Troy-That’s where we are with shift change to inform staff of these situations.  Staff did a great job, there were plenty of staff. Headlee-when I hear someone say a staff defended themselves too well that is a huge problem.  Troy-It’s just as concerning for management.  Troy-had debriefing with the staff and was helpful.  She was influenced to go to rivers edge in the moment, declined to go.  Was encouraged to go the next day if anything comes up.  Said she was stiff.  Reached an OD that did not know what to do at that time. Concerns that we did not follow up the next day.  We learned a lot about what to do in the future. Would like to meet with her again at a good time to sit down and talk to look at incident and how we initiate some things.  Each one turns out differently. We can take from membership about what they want going forward.

  3. MSH Title Changes-Wold: no title change for MSOP. Bidding and wages will not be affected. Still security counselors.

  4. Supervisory Files and Removal of Materials-Do you consider supervisory files the same as personnel file. Zach-we consider them the same thing.  Hesse-when staff are talked to, they are going into the personnel file.  As far as removal goes. Removal of things follows the contract and removes from both files.  For everything else they are different.  Records need to be cleaned of the issues of reprimand.  All other things stay in both files. What is timeline for getting coachings and other things? Up to management’s discretion.  Staff can request it to be removed and management can discuss it and decide. Coachings and oral reprimands.  When do these get dropped off? Personnel file and supervisory file.  Removal of both files for disciplines. Is there an appeal process? This runs through HR.  Troy-There has to be something solid to leave the coaching in when there has not been any issues.  Molly-We would like a fall off point.  Bonnie-We encourage staff to ask to have these removed during your review with your supervisor.

  5. Last Name on Badges-Hesse, doing a push in forensics and would like it done here.  Bonnie-Clients can request staff files.  We do understand your concern though.  Headlee-Most other facilities don’t require it, the state doesn’t require it.  We are looking at other ways to get this done. Staff are concerned about it.  You can do it, it’s your choice to leave it on or take it off. If we can get backing from OSHA.  We will try to get this done because staff are requesting it.  This might make a difference in just one staff’s life.  It’s not required by law so this is something you can change.

  6. Lead List qualifications and Notifications while on vacation-No incentive because there are no qualifications anymore. People may not be willing to step up because of this.  Someone on vacation was not notified when there was an opening so they missed out.  Zach-Listing is usually for 7 days.  Can we make accommodations? Zach-if staff know there may be something coming out and they will be gone, send an email to HR to keep you updated.

  7. 10 Hour shift holiday schedule-Can 10 hour schedule people be moved back to shift without a break? Will follow up with Tim L.

  8. A-Team Duties-Have many tasks to complete every shift.  Difficult to get things done with all of these tasks.  Lots of redundancy.  Doors being checked repeatedly, etc. Look at duties and see if some can go back to other people. Talk to Mike G and see what he says.

  9. Staff pulling keys when entering facility-Wold-anyone coming into facility.  Policy say when schedule to work in facility.  Wold-This is more for accountability so if we do a count or for safety if something happens we know who is in the building. We are looking at possible roll call separation for CPS too.

  10. CPS Chain of Command-Someone talked to about not following command and received coaching session. Tim Benesh encourages them to go to supervisor first. This was not a coaching session just a conversation. Headlee-Would like to stay with going to supervisor first on all sides.  Benesh did forward email to supervisor.

  11. CPS ordering out-Clients using outside delivery service for orders. Food not being searched according to policy. 3rd party vendor. Headlee-there should be an approved list.

  12. CPS Client to Staff Ratios-Too many clients with lack of staff when there are trips and the van going back and forth. 5 staff for 90 clients. Benesh-there is a proposal in for this. Troy-Staff have been moved around according to client movement to CPS but we are looking at the proposal. Wold-Clients are more independent out there as well which requires less staffing.

  13. CPS Staffing-Bid vs Moved around-Rumor about one pool vs. bid spots, a blanket position.  Management-first they have heard and it is a rumor. Molly-when there are more people, if there are extras and have to cover, can they go to CPS instead of in the facility.  Mgmt.-we should be trying to do this anyway.

  14. More Lockers and cell phones storage-Different duties require more things.  Wold-Need to find a way to start fresh because there are a lot them not actually being used but have things in them etc.  Molly will connect with Mike with ideas.  More shelving for phones may be made.

  15. Supervisor asked staff about significant others sick call-Hesse-shouldn’t be happening, ask the staff themselves.

  16. Vacation Audits-Has this been done and is the schedule able to do this? Will talk to Tim.

  17. Security walk throughs-lead does it and another lead double checks-Troy-policy says 2 people do the walkthrough.  Lead from 2 units because a new set of eyes looks at it.  This grew legs into staff thinking there isn’t any trust. It does not mean we don’t trust the staff it’s just that we liked having fresh eyes.  We can talk about this at the next lead meeting about other options.

  18. Rumor of more comm logs will result in no 30 min break-Wold and Troy both said that it is a rumor.  Troy-We are monitoring the comm log entries to make sure staff are placing their useful information in the clients records. Management is liking what they see and commented staff are doing a good job using the matrix language.

  19. Modules every quarter-will they discipline when only done once a year if they forgot a step due to not doing the process very often. If you don’t feel comfortable, it is something you can ask to do.  Also, we are not going to use this as an opportunity to reprimand staff.

  20. Transport to review phase 2 and 3 clients with only 1 staff-no breaks etc. Getting flak from hospital staff.-Headlee-TC is reestablishing procedure with ISJ with this type of thing. Troy-there has been communication with ISJ and will work on this issue.

Management Items

  1. Joint Labor Meeting-Face to face, agenda 2 weeks prior, including only joint issues.

  2. Transport Policy-Revisions

  3. When possible we will try to send one female and one male on transports. Procedures in moose require it due to females not going into bathrooms with males. This will be done when possible.